Angular vs Knockout

October 27, 2021

Angular vs Knockout: Battle of the JavaScript Frameworks

If you're a web developer, you're likely familiar with the many JavaScript frameworks available for use. Two of the most popular frameworks are Angular and Knockout. Both of them have their own strengths and weaknesses, but which one comes out on top? In this post, we'll compare Angular and Knockout, providing factual and unbiased information to help you make an informed decision.

Popularity and Market Trend

Let's start by looking at the popularity of each framework. According to the Google Trends, Angular is currently more popular than Knockout.

Google Trends comparison between Angular and Knockout

However, this doesn't necessarily mean that Angular is better than Knockout. The popularity of a framework can often depend on other factors such as the size of the community or marketing tactics used by the framework's creators.


When it comes to performance, Angular and Knockout have different strengths.

Angular is a full-fledged framework and is best suited for large-scale applications. Despite its relatively large size, Angular provides excellent performance for large and complex applications.

Knockout, on the other hand, is a lightweight framework and is best suited for smaller applications. Its small size means it has a faster initialization time and performs well in situations where page loading speed is paramount.

Ease of Learning

Both Angular and Knockout require a learning curve. However, the ease of learning depends on your background and skillset.

Angular has a steep learning curve, mainly because it is a considerably more extensive framework than Knockout. However, it rewards developers who take the time to learn it with a powerful set of features.

Knockout, on the other hand, has a shallow learning curve and is easy to pick up for developers with a basic understanding of JavaScript. Its simplicity makes it great for prototyping or creating quick proof-of-concepts.

Community Support

Angular has a large and active community that contributes to its ecosystem. The Angular community regularly releases updates and new features, addressing bugs and issues reported by developers.

Knockout's community is relatively smaller, but active enough to ensure continued development of the framework. The community regularly provides support and contributes plugins and extensions to the framework.


So, which one should you choose? It depends on the specific requirements of your project. If you're looking to build a large-scale application with rich, complex features, Angular is probably the best choice. However, if you're looking for a lightweight framework for a smaller application or prototype, Knockout is a better option.


  1. Google Trends. "AngularJS VS KnockoutJS." Retrieved from,knockoutjs&gprop=youtube.

  2. "Angular vs Knockout: Which is Better for Your Next Web Development Project?" Retrieved from

  3. "Angular vs Knockout." Retrieved from

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